
Maria Elena 

IT Specialist and Psychologist 


TRE and especially TRE with Fiona opened up a new world for me. Firstly, it offered a way of releasing tension and emotions that I kept accumulating, going through very challenging times when I started the training. It taught me that I don't have to hold on to the daily stress, anxieties and fears that were suffocating me. TRE became my "elevated weapon" for a mature reply to whatever life was feeding me. TRE taught my body healthy boundaries, and Fiona, through her gentle and firm presence and guidance, supported me in anchoring this ability in my being and in my body. Practicing TRE meant sharpening my instincts, my rough, wild creature inside connecting me to my inner truth - giving me the strength to follow it. I no longer worry about how people perceive my openness and my direct way of being, for I now acknowledge all the love and consideration there is inside the one who tells the truth in a courageous and gentle manner while exposing oneself to critics and judgments. The more consistent I became in my TRE practice, the stronger and clearer I heard the voice in my belly.

TRE helped me be strong enough, resilient enough, patient enough and to love myself enough to begin trusting myself and life again. It helped me want to be part of the game again, for I felt the immense power of a regulated nervous system and how much a heart needs to feel safe while daring to fulfill its hopes and dreams. Exploring the tremor mechanism has offered the feeling that I've got my back, that I am competent, and that I can succeed in life -  a feeling long gone after very difficult times. It also helped me regulate my appetite, lose weight feel safe in my body, and most, feel that I am enough and resourceful – it brought me back to the present moment, feeling connected with my body again and not wanting to dismiss my sensations anymore nor abandon myself in the face of mudding feeling and pain. 

We all need someone to be well-intended, caring, and real with us, someone who tells the truth as it is and who is capable of reflecting us in a clean, honest, and kind manner, and this is what Fiona did for me on my way towards becoming a TRE facilitator. I very much needed to experience my peaks and valleys as they were, without being rejected nor overly praised, I needed to be met and seen, encouraged towards my goals while being accepted with my current flaws and limits. I needed a witness to my process, someone to share my process with, and for that, I will always be grateful to Fiona for leading and accompanying me through this intimate TRE journey.




I began my TRE® Provider Certification in 2021, (after only a brief and diluted introduction to the modality at the end of my cancer treatment in 2019 and early 2020). I clearly remember the “a-ha” moment after my first led session with Teodora and Fiona at TRE® for Life. The safety and passion they provided were far beyond anything I had previously experienced. The best word I can use to describe that first module is "enlightening." For years, I had believed that my body was malfunctioning and broken, but during that session, I realised it was actually trying to call me home, to integrate mind and body.

Teodora and Fiona educate with a passion and excitement that is truly contagious in the best way. I didn’t expect that the certification process would become such a profound healing journey for me. I had initially stepped into it looking for an out from the stress of my profession as an educator while suffering from a Chronic Neurological Illness and survivor of Stage 4 Cancer. The certification process re-taught me how to live after accepting and even longing for the quiet and stillness of death. Thanks to their guidance, I am deeply moved to continue changing, growing, and waving through life’s hills and valleys. 

The certification process wasn't always smooth for me. Balancing an existing job, 3 children, and additional studies made it difficult to stay consistently engaged. Old wounds triggered significant procrastination, and I feared being criticised for my inconsistency. However, I was always met with encouragement and gentle inquiry, rather than admonishment.

I completed the majority of my supervision with Fiona, who had an incredible ability to know exactly how deep to push and pull me, challenging me just enough to voluntarily step into the healing I had been avoiding due to pain. TRE® has brought me physical joy, parental confidence, an open and curious mind, excitement for life, a still, observant, tolerant mind and so much more. I will forever describe TRE® (and its ability to harness innate healing from the body) as the gift that keeps on giving.

If you are looking to certify as a TRE® provider or simply want to engage in TRE® for personal growth, I highly recommend Fiona and TRE® for Life. They hold themselves and their trainees to the highest standards, with the utmost respect for the beautiful TRE® process as developed by Dr. David Berceli.



Denisa I



The TRE training was not the simplest training in my life, but it was the most honest and the one that changed the quality of my life in a measurable way. From day 1 Fiona told us that it can be a very powerful and deep practice that could present change - that it is a visceral thing that can even change our beliefs about life -  for me, it was like that. 

There were moments when I felt tired, unprepared, and on the verge of giving up, but the contact with my trainers and the other trainees kept me going. I learned a lot about my body and nervous system - a lot about trauma and very importantly, I finally felt the meaning of presence, not just a cognitive understanding. 

From the beginning of the training to the end and even after I finished, I benefited from transparency, communication, honesty, and availability. I felt respected, accepted, listened to, and guided by Fiona and Teodora, who were extremely kind. They were honest, non-judgmental, kept the initial terms, didn't change the training rules along the way and they constantly invited me to communicate, when I needed support in my process. This open, gentle but also firm and consistent approach brought a lot of repair in my personal life and has served well as a professional model. The process built a bridge between my mind and my body, between me and another, and gave me a compass for my own wellbeing. Now I know how I feel and this is priceless for me. 

TRE, together with Fiona, Teodora, and all my colleagues, soothed and succeeded where all other approaches or healing tools failed for me. I am grateful to everyone with whom I shared this experience of recognizing our bodies and what we have always been.




These days, I have completed my certification in TRE® Somatic Therapy (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises), an important milestone for me, both personally and professionally. I began this journey three years ago, after experiencing the beneficial effects of TRE® on my nervous system in a few sessions with Teodora. At that moment, I knew I had to train in this somatic therapy. 

Although I found other trainings, such as Somatic Experiencing, the authenticity of Fiona and Teodora quickly convinced me to choose TRE®. Looking back, I am incredibly happy with my choice! Even though I could have been certified in just a year and a half, I chose to enjoy the process and take it at my own pace. It was authentic training, with a lot of personal practice and deep work on myself.

Our trainers are authentic, gentle, and firm people who present themselves as they are, with deep self-awareness and practical experience, not just theoretical knowledge. This authenticity was also required of us, and the certification was granted only to those who went through an intensely personal process.

I believe that if psychotherapy trainings in Romania placed a real emphasis on personal analysis, we would have more complete psychotherapists. You cannot become a good therapist by just talking from books. People need real connections and a space where they can feel what they haven't allowed themselves to feel until now. Without living and feeling, we are only pretending to do therapy. 

For me, TRE® has been a revelation. It has helped me be present with my clients, be in touch with my intuition, and feel what my clients cannot feel. In this way, I have been able to create a safe space for them, which makes the difference between empty words and an authentic therapeutic relationship. Thank you! 

Nicky J

Farm Manager


I was introduced to TRE by a farm friend. I have had some talk therapy due to my past traumas and stress in life. BUT I did not really feel satisfied with only that. That is also a reason I got out and asked for some help. I did not know anything about TRE.

MY first session of the training was for myself. I can still see and feel myself being scared of the vibration of something throughout my whole body. I have always been scared of groups / new people /new environments and also being seen. With the first sessions, I felt unable to move - I felt almost like I was being drugged and I was going to die at the moment.

Slowly I tried doing it, a few minutes at a time. But every time I could go a few extra minutes more. I Didn’t know what or how I got it right, but I just knew I could go every time a little bit longer. And this is how I went through the journey with myself.  Every time I did tremoring, something different came up or something happened that changed me.

A lot has happened. I’ve gotten angry, sick, and sad and everything is still coming up for me. What I know now is that tremoring is a process and the process will start when you are curious about your own body or just allow your body and love your body.

The best thing for me I’ve got a tool for a lifetime for myself and also I will be able to provide it to people and groups, and most importantly, my community that needs it most.

TRE is for life…… 


Ceferino C

Self Mastery & Relationship Coach


My 1 year TRE In Community Training journey with Fiona has been one of learning, growth, and connection. The first six months were about regulating and downregulating my nervous system and getting to know my body. The next six months were a rich experience of enrolling case study clients, and offering TRE to people from traumatised communities.

Not only did it benefit people who have experienced severe trauma, but I got to hone my skills through real-life practice and experience. This not only deepened my own understanding of the tremor mechanism but also the powerful phenomenon of our bodies and nervous systems co-regulating one another. This further highlighted the importance of taking care and responsibility for my nervous system, regulation, and well-being.

The benefit of this awareness and skill carries over to all my relationships - personal and professional as a TRE Provider and as a Self-Mastery and Relationship Coach. I deeply appreciate Fiona’s knowledge, support, mentoring, and commitment to the process throughout the journey. 

Natascha W

Energy Psychology Practitioner


I have been familiar with TRE for a few years and had a few private sessions with Fiona in 2011. At the time, the combination of TRE and another technique helped me get rid of my PTSD. Magic!

As an Energy Psychology practitioner and with hindsight, I wish I had trained in TRE earlier because I strongly believe in healing through somatic work. This natural technique is simple yet very powerful. The training was very complete, with lots of theory, practical information, and online supervision. I found it challenging at times, and very rewarding. It personally helped me slow down, and be more present and connected to my body. I built up self-confidence and totally let go of procrastination. Magic! "The body keeps the score"...:

I could definitely experiment with my energy shifting during the TRE training, as we had to do lots of sessions to experiment on ourselves and to buddy up with other students. Today, I am feeling lighter, calmer, and definitely more engaged socially. I can only recommend the training with Fiona and Teodora.

Alice Negoiță

Counselor & Translator


I “asked for it” and “it happened”. At first, it was just a beautiful dream. I kept going. Baby steps. I did not let go of the deep sense of staying true to myself, of trusting myself. I did not give up. I trained, practiced, also deeply engaged in my personal growth process and after a significant time of work, it made my heart sing when I received the certification. Me and TRE® were pure chemistry from the start.

I could not let it go ever since. I just felt like going back to it over and over. And I still am. Differently, each time, along with my own showing up, growth, and integration process.

In a very personal way that relates to my first years of life up to the present, TRE® was my salvation, in times of deep anxiety I did not know what to do with it.

It is a wellbeing toolkit and the beauty of it is that I can now share it with the world. ❤️❤️❤️


Lameez B

EFT Trainer & Qigong Teacher


Even months after finishing my TRE training, Fiona's empowering words still have a lasting impact on me. TRE not only helped me let go of old trauma, but it also gave me the confidence to stand up for myself and say how I want to be treated in the world. I noticed that I speak up more these days, which is a big improvement that started after beginning TRE. 


All in all, the training has changed my life, and I am appreciative of the abilities and self-assurance I have acquired. Due to our stored, unprocessed emotions, we often don't realize we're carrying them around until something or someone triggers us. This TRE training has helped me to become more aware and better equipped to handle these moments. 

Cristina Lupo

Pilates & Movement Teacher 


Wow, I can't believe I am here, on this day of certification in TRE ® (trauma & tension release exercise). What a journey of a lifetime! TRE ® is the method that helped me come back to myself entirely! Since I began the training in 2021 with Fiona Soma and Teodora Buzoianu I knew in my heart and bones, that it would change my life forever, and so it did!

Fiona is the kind of trainer/model/teacher/woman I knew existed but never met. The level of integrity, professionalism, ethical work, and compassion is beyond this world.

Fiona and Teodora, thank you for believing in me, more than I believe in myself, I really don't find words to express my gratitude towards you! Thank you so much for this journey together that has just started! 🙏

Deidré Baatjes 

TRE Provider and Wellness Facilitator


I am incredibly fortunate to have received such comprehensive training under Fiona's expert guidance. Her meticulous attention to detail has equipped me to confidently, skillfully and safely facilitate TRE® sessions in both individual and group settings. With decades of global experience and a deep understanding of trauma responses, Fiona's commitment to excellence in TRE® training is undeniable. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking certification in this transformative practice. 

Marie Guibon

TRE Provider 


I had the privilege to be trained by Fiona and Teodora last year, It was a wonderful experience where I learned TRE in a safe way.

After the 1st online module, I became very curious about my nervous system and I decided to enroll in Module 2&3 afterward a private session with Fiona. I recommend this course warmly!

I enjoyed how Fiona taught and shared their knowledge with the group. It was precious. I found in this method a new way of being more joyful and playful in life!