What is nectar? Sensation through vibration


To become more physically and sexually embodied, demonstrating healthy choices and boundaries for your heart and body. This is based on a dialogue from your inside to the outside - a dance between logic/reason and desire/need. A sexually embodied person is fluidly moved by their true desire - desire is then met with adventure, pleasure, safety, and excitement. Desire is not censored, restricted, or abused.


Why should I explore Somatic Sexuality?


Somatic Sexuality is a deep dive into your unique sexual frequency. You learn to enhance and uplift your personal vibrational presence to meet your centre of life force; exploring deeply your internal world, from a place of pleasure & curiosity, as opposed to being mind-centered, or in a form of dissociation to the present moment. 


What does a Session or Workshop involve?


Fiona selects a range of practices designed to safely invite in sensation to the pelvic and sacral regions - she encourages us towards interoception which is a deep connection to our internal body space including the vagus nerve and the psoas - muscles, which are both key in understanding our bodies interplay in both the internal and external worlds. Some of the take-home tools assist with:

  • gaining more arousal, libido, and desire
  • accessing more pleasure through the body
  • relief from stress/trauma-related issues that affect performance or confidence 
  • having more orgasmic /climactic potential 
  • becoming more creative in sex and in life
  • having more fun and connection with ourselves and others


Please note there is no nudity or sexually explicit conduct in private sessions, workshops, or retreats.



Application to work privately with Fiona


Twice a year, you may apply for one of Fiona‘s programs that invites you to travel deeply within yourself and follow a somatic process to understand the connections between body and spirit. Fiona invites us to leave the stories of the body in the past and to create a new Sense of Neuroplasticity, new cell formation, and a new narrative for the mind & body. The process of being witnessed being moved through this new physical makeup can be extremely profound - a little like the butterfly getting to its final destination starting as a caterpillar and finding its way and wings, to fly high.

Being witnessed in a safely held container assists in successfully embarking on this life-changing process where we can finally learn and understand self-regulation as well as growing our window of tolerance, which is something that most of us need to require in order to become acclimatised and familiar, and at home with our tissue’s expression as well as its visceral voice.

Fiona has held space for people for 30+ years, and she is well versed in creating safe, healthy boundaries, yet caring containers to go deep with the ‘unraveling’ process. The body requires safe witnessing to access parts of ourselves that perhaps remain hidden, unseen, and often deeply shamed.

Fiona invites people of all gender types to embark on this very powerful body-opening, and engaging process that ultimately helps move us towards our healthiest heart and home.


As small children, we wanted to be considered a good girl or boy - a strong child who could endure bullying and abuse - many of us stayed up late at night consumed with anxiety about doing well enough at school, well enough at sports, well enough at everything, so our parents or caregivers would love us.

For some of us, this could be considered a trauma response. The response of appeasement, or the need to make others feel happy so that we feel loved - a co-dependant merry-go-round of ill regulation - none of this healthy or hearty - nauseating patterns whizzing around and around, often from one generation to another.

Nowadays, being witnessed by a healthy regulated other can be enriching - the beginning of a completion loop where a belief has become all-consuming. Change the neuroplasticity and re-route neural pathways - Let us allow ourselves to be seen - Let us exhale - Let us return to a safe home body.