One Year TRE®️ Global Certification Programme

4th - 6th April 2025

We invite you to this ONE-year intensive certification Training in Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises, or TRE®.  The first part of the training is 6 Days [in real time] of intensive working together, practicing, and attending lectures and demonstrations [over 2 weekends]. The second part of your certification includes case studies where you choose 'practice clients' to observe and follow over a period of time.


The TRE® Certification Process consists of:

  • Two X full three-day modules [6 days] in person
  • Four half day-Modules [ 4 x Saturday mornings during the year] online
  • A personal Supervision Process online
  • A committed embodied personal practice that is journaled throughout the training period
  • Peer Practice – meeting with TRE® trainees to lead and be led
  • Reading, listening to, and watching materials linked to your training + Feedback Reports
  • 3 x Final Certification Case Studies


- The certification time is 1 year starting with Module 1

- Module 2 begins 4-5 months after Module 1 

Module 1 - Personal Process 

Module 1 – The first step is an invitation to be moved towards yourself; to learn and understand more about your body’s frequency and vibration. In accessing your tremor mechanism, you can find:

  • a safer sense of containment and embodiment
  • more groundedness in Life
  • better co-regulated relationships with others
  • healthy self-regulation 
  • a more nourished nervous system
  • openness, pleasure, fun, and healthy excitement/ventral vagal
  • your window of tolerance
  • a safe healthy container from which to do ‘Life’

During module 1 you will 

  • be introduced to and gain an understanding of the TRE® Stretches as designed by Dr. David Berceli
  • experience ‘The Tremor Mechanism’ in your own body
  • learn more about titration and slowing down
  • understand further the Mammalian Parasympathetic/Sympathetic Nervous Systems
  • be introduced to “The Polyvagal Theory” (Stephen Porges)
  • gain insight into the Psoas and Fight/Flight/Freeze muscles
  • get more curious about your body and engage in self-administered interventions
  • be introduced to leading and showing a friend/family member/colleague through the TRE® Stretches as designed by Dr David Berceli

Module 2  

Leading others through TRE® stretches + holding space 

Module 2 grows our facilitation skills to lead others through the TRE® Stretches and a tremor session

  • lead and show individuals and small groups through the TRE® Stretches as designed by Dr. David Berceli
  • practice co-creating a safe container to hold space for the individual/s whilst they access their tremor mechanism
  • direct the individual/group toward safe containment and presence during the tremor session
  • guide the individual/group to collaborate in the use of self-regulation tools eg self-interventions

From Module 2 you will learn

  • the safety skills required to successfully lead and hold space for an individual/s through a session
  • to further explore the Ventral Vagal vs Dorsal Vagal states
  • about fascia and its relationship to the tremor mechanism
  • how to follow the body over a period of weeks/months
  • how to manage Fight/Flight/Freeze/Dissociation/Appeasement during a session 
  • to explore your presence and a role being a TRE® Trainee-Provider
  • basic touch interventions to support self-regulation of the tremor mechanism
  • about your visceral voice and tapping into your intuition
  • how to manage niche groups and group dynamics
  • how to lead the unique individual whilst maintaining the bonding or glue of the collective group experience
  • ethical aspects in Teaching TRE® to Individuals and small groups 
  • the positives and negatives of transference/countertransference 
  • how to teach adjustments and adaptations of the TRE® stretches for disabled/elderly or physically challenged
  • how to practice safely growing a Window of Tolerance
  • about your scope of practice and your role as a future TRE® Provider



Module 1: 4th - 6th April 2025 - Bucharest, Romania

Module 2: September 2025 - Bucharest, Romania


  • 2 Modules [2 x 3-FULL day modules in person ] - €450.00 per Module = €900.00 
  • 10 private Supervisions [10 x 60-minute sessions @ €75 per session] €750.00                      
  • 4 x 4.5 hour half day Modules @ €80.00 per session = €320.00  

Total INVESTMENT €1970.00 for Full 1 Year Certification


***Mandatory Post Certification Supervision for one year [one 2-hour group session 6 times per year or a 30-minute private session 6 times per year ] in order to maintain Provider status - @€50.00 per session = €300.00




We ask that prospective candidates write us a letter of intent - introducing yourselves, your interest in TRE®, why you believe you are an ideal candidate to be a TRE® Provider, and how you see yourself using it in the future [ community, private practice, humanitarian, business, research, etc] Please send an email to [email protected]. For a short 15-minute interview, please click here.



**TRE® denotes TRE’s registered trademark. Dr. David Berceli holds the Copyright, Trademark, and Service Mark (SM) for all TRE training materials and the TRE process. All rights to use are reserved and TRE FOR ALL, Inc (TFA) (NGO) holds distribution rights. Also protected are the Trauma Release Process SM and tension Release Process SM.

TRE® has not been evaluated by the US Food & Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. This technology is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Medical advice must only be obtained from a physician or qualified health practitioner. Results may vary between individuals. There are no guarantees, expressed, or implied.