


How do you metabolize your triggers? How do you risk feeling into the texture of pain, humiliation, guilt, shame, and anger….and still manage to wake every day to curiously sensate into the gift of life?   


Like flowers, we can come alive with nourishment care consideration, and presence. Like flowers, we can lose our essence with neglect, lack of attention, and little light and water.  Being watered regularly allows us to grow - a strong internal line that holds us through life and walks us proudly, uprightly, and in integrity. This internal totem pole is what holds us securely, and allows us to stand strong despite the sometimes internal wobble.  Feel into the trigger - allow the wobble, and know that you are taken care of.  You’ve got this.  


Once you’ve explored the feeling of feeling your feelings, it can feel ok. 


The rainbow myriad that visits-viscerally - touching the very core of every cell of our being and be-ing and be-ing and be-in and be-in 

In anger 

In fear 

In sadness 

In irritation 

In something - something that gets you triggered  


You know there’s a story 

The story has so much power 

There’s a circle 

Step out of the circle 

See the story from the outside of the circle 

Be the story from the outside of the circle 

See it. Feel it. Don’t run away or fear it 

Tolerate the feels 

This is healthy 

This is embodiment 

This is life 

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