Happy Place

My happy place

People ask me what I love about my ‘Happy Place’ - What's different about my everyday life compared to this other life that I live for 3-4 months a year? 


Firstly my location is on a beach in a bay on an island where the sun meets the sea. Just saying.


Most important is that people laugh - there's so much to laugh about - someone's headgear, tutu, fishnet stockings, hula hooping, dancing, walking a tightrope, or just hanging out in nature, with nature. People visit to let go of everyday life - the monotony of worry, the stench of boredom, and the predictability of routine. Some visit to access anonymity, others to break down, to break up, to break patterns, and routines, and leave the muddy rut that we often find ourselves sinking deeply into.


In my Happy Place, I meet people unattached to their next shopping trip, museum visit, or tourist attraction. Instead, I meet seeking wanderers - those aching for the colours and textures of friendships, experiences, and wonderous moments of delight. 


It is here I can be free to be me.

I co-create with nature - she sings me songs that can dry the tears of life.

I meet myself carried in her cotton wool trees and canopies.

Hell yeah.

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