Play, Pause, Purrrr 

Healthy sympathetic (high intensity) activation via play, can be exciting, elevating, enjoyable..even relaxing, rejuvenating, and regenerating. Here we offer space for the archetypal magical child who acts from a place of AuthEnticity [ instead of attachment] and still believes in MaGiC ♥️  

Play involves spontaneous movement, creative practices, music/sound, and presence. We understand the implications of how overwhelming, stressful, or traumatic sympathetic responses, combined with fear, anxiety, depression or just dealing with the daily stressors of life, can have the opposite effects of positive sympathetic intensity. 


We want to also realise the importance of the – P a u S e – or the space in between – the deeply nourishing and nurturing part of our nervous system, the Parasympathetic. In this pause, the invitation is towards I n t e g r a t I o n – the part that most of us miss when running from yoga to work, to lunch to work, to the gym, to dinner, to that forgotten email at 11 pm at night... 


Now we can begin to PuRRRR and become more relaxed, regulated, and integrated into our nervous systems, and in our bodies.  We should be able to move between parasympathetic and Sympathetic states and have an easy return to baseline, where we can manage life. Once our bodies learn to let go of defense responses, fight, flight, and freeze, we become more successful in significant relationships, family relationships, work relationships, and communication and connection in general daily life. This is a movement towards internal Re-Organisation -  to be and feel moved, from a place of stress and stuckness towards a place of spaciousness and peace, in body and emotions. The PuRRRR is how you vibrate in your body and out in the world. 

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