Transforming Lives with TRE® at MyLife
We chose MyLife from many that were interested in bringing TRE® into their organisation; Jeremy and I were passionate about increasing youth awareness and believed this to be a valuable tool to add to the University of MyLife, an organisation intent on rehabilitating the young, the homeless, the lost and the suffering on the streets of Cape Town, South Africa.
MyLife was initially related to us as being a small organisation, struggling to obtain funding; plodding slowly, in terms of structuring their teams, as well as lacking a firm and solid foundation. With as little judgment and ego as possible, we entered the building every Thursday at a set time committed to serving TRE® to whoever showed up on the day; a core group of full-time, part-time, and volunteers, as well as anyone who happened to be visiting.
Some days the directors and benefactors of MyLife lying side by side on a concrete floor with an ex-prisoner, or a woman and toddler displaced and desperate; all of us are just simple organisms tapping into our true vibration. Our groups over this five month period have been conducted respectfully, starting on time despite the chaos of this small open-plan building serving as an office, canteen, boardroom, creche, and shelter. Encouraged and attended by the core group of MyLife, has assisted us greatly in obtaining a minimum of 8 attendees and sometimes up to 14 with the word out on the street.
We are now being relocated to a new building to do TRE® - here we are hoping to have more floor and wall space for the many more out there wishing to engage in this most profound release of stress, anxiety, fear, and trauma. We are observing this plucky little organization transforming into a Foundation of substance. As a structure, we have witnessed it crash, build, sustain, wobble, and stand erect - each week they are presented with new and exciting, as well as scary and sometimes dangerous challenges. We have identified healers in this group who could and would be willing to educate TRE® to their various communities, groups, and projects. Those who have committed to the once-a-week facilitated group experience recall a sense of relaxed, grounded, and energized. We suggested practicing these exercises as often as possible but did not make it a prerequisite for attending our sessions.
After 6-8 weeks it was clear to us that about 50% of the core group was doing the exercises every day or every 2nd day, and had successfully integrated it into their lives as an important means of releasing stress. We have encountered skewed boundaries gaining clarity, cloudy views now speckled with vision of light, fragmented energies gathering, and moving back to a place we call home frequency. Our own significant growth, both as facilitators and human beings, has included large doses of compassion, tolerance, and non-attachment - our ultimate gifts for being invited in, remain, Humility, Grace, and Gratitude.
Fiona Leibowitz and Jeremy de Tolly
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