Community Training in TRE® - Trauma Release Exercises.


Community Training in TRE® - Trauma Release Exercises.


In January 2021, in the midst of the world shutdown and lockdown, we decided to embark on sponsored community training in Cape Town, South Africa.  This gift aimed to empower impoverished communities to take care of their mental health, manage their stress and anxiety, and deal easier with the tremendous impact of trauma. We aimed to enable people to self-regulate their stress and anxiety levels and have a free tool to assist this process.


Trauma in South Africa has been endemic for decades and over several generations.  Trauma is still a theme in South Africa and being a 3rd world country, it is underfunded in terms of advanced and affordable mental health care.  Most significant is stress, related to unemployment, lack of educational opportunities, plus infrastructure issues affecting homelessness, electricity, water, and transportation.  No jobs equals no money equals high levels of crime, addiction, domestic violence, and familial abuse.  Trauma ravages communities - Trauma dissolves families - Trauma disposes of peace and freedom.


This community training led to another in 2022 and we have now certified TRE® Facilitators in several areas of Cape Town to offer TRE or Trauma Release Exercises to others in need, in their communities.  This program proved to be beautifully empowering for all trainees who stepped in fully to meet themselves and their bodies; it boosted some into a career change, and for others, it has offered new helpful and healthy skills to add to their toolbox.  


For those of us involved in the training - Frances Ward, Meryl Berelowitz, Chris Van Royn, and Mallorie Lee, our hearts have grown bigger.  Our tolerance and humility have expanded, and we are better human beings for the opportunity of the learning and teaching experience.


We continue to support as many people as possible who arrive from underprivileged backgrounds or are in the midst of difficult times and hope that many more communities worldwide will benefit from the wonders of TRE® [trauma-releasing exercises] and the tremor mechanism.  


If you are interested in TRE® training for your NGO/NPO, organisation, business or community - please contact for further details. If you are experiencing stress, fear, anxiety, or traumatic symptoms, please consider booking a session

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